DVREDF provides a variety of financing tools for projects related to promoting and enhancing job growth, community development and...
Learn MoreDVREDF offers financing to a broad range of organizations. Eligible enterprises include non-profit and for-profit entities, as...
Learn MoreDVREDF is all about cultivating employment for residents of the Greater Philadelphia area, supporting neighborhood economic...
Learn MoreDVREDF offers financing to a broad range of organizations and projects. Find out if your organization is eligible and take the next step towards partnering with DVREDF by filling out our pre-application.
DVREDF’s main objective is to provide financing of up to $500,000 to projects that have measurable economic development and/or job impact. Many types of projects can be funded, but we give additional consideration to projects that will clearly benefit distressed communities in the five-county Philadelphia region and/or provide economic opportunity to low-income individuals residing in the region.
DVREDF offers flexible loan terms. Loan terms can range from 1 to 10 years though repayment with 5 to 10 years is preferred. Interest rates are competive.
Borrowers can be commercial enterprises, non-profit organizations, or partnerships. DVREDF gives priority to proposals from established entities versus start-up enterprises.
Please submit the following Pre-Application for Project Financing as the first step in the loan application process. This Pre-Application will be reviewed promptly. We will contact you to let you know whether or not your request will advance to the full application stage. If so, we will provide access to the full application.
* Required